Thanks Scotkat...Anyone else know please whether I should pinch out top pair of leaves?Thank youS
for this. In that case, I'll plant the tubs up tomorrow. I think also, I'll feed them with the wormery liquid fertilizer - it's very rich and...
Morning Chaps,I like millions of others love the look and fragrance of SweetPeas. I want to plant them with tall supports in tubs. Would this...
Morning Chaps, OK then - have moved them out of the greenhouse, have sprayed them with washinhg-up liquid in water. They **seem** to have died...
Evenin all,All of my seedlings are coming up well. I noticed this afternoon though that the Sunflowers are FULL of Greenfly! What can I do,...
Thank you Craig, good to know. At least I've stuck to ONE of the requirements... I dipped them in Hormone Rooting Gel before planting! They're not...
Evening Chaps, Please can someone tell me the best time to take cuttings of this lovely shrub? I've been given one which I'll plant out next week...
Oooo SweetP ..... noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!xx [ 13. April 2008, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: SpringsHere ]
Hi geckoman, thanks for your input - looking at your Avatar, I'm not surprised you dunno what to do with 'em.. ha ha hahahaHi terrier, yeah -...
Hi All, Sowed some SweetPeas on Monday. I've never been **that** successful with them, example they're usually quite stringy - which leads to my...
Thank you Sarraceniac, just read the link. Mmm. I'll get that spray out and fill with soapy water and see what happens.Ange x
Hi Chaps, I've noticed some greenfly on plants/cuttings in the Greenhouse. It surprised me cos I thought it was too early for greenfly! Also...
Thank you coub, have now turned off.Also pricked out the Cosmos andd Calif. poppies - within a DAY they looked MUCH happier and are growing on...
G'morning David, Many thanks for your suggestion - I'm absolutely GREEN regarding Prop'gators,Greenhouses,Seed raising etc etc. I've just been...
Hi All, Well - the Cosmos are now c.6cm, the Calif Poppys c.5cm. Only the Blue Salvias are not all up, but many are. Thing is, I'm wondering...
Might be lazy PeterS, but it's Bally Clever!!Happy Easter all, and enjoy ya Snowman makin' !!Springy :D
Hello Pete, Thanks. I don't know whether this is neutral clay or otherwise! In fact I know diddly-squat about soil types, apart from...
Evening All, This part of Lincolnshire is **lucky** enough to have clay soil. I've noticed though, that quite a few gardens have Heathers planted...
Thank you Smiffy008, Looking forward to seeing her grow. She's a real novelty as we produced two lads and she's the first GrandKiddy!!xx
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