Robin Hood
Just found TITAN Oil Watchman sonic £62.43 free delivery looks like that would do the job, measures the oil level by ultrasonic
:sign0016: to Gardeners Corner, Michael.
I've used Taylors very good plants, they do mail order £7.95 post and packing, sound expensive but the plants arrive in great condition
There are 3 groups of clematis,Group 1 early flowering (Montana) Group 2 large flowering Group 3 late flowering,Clematis need to keep there...
What type are they ?
Just found this opened [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
You should try being in your 50's my friend, mind still thinks i'm 25, body not a chance
I just get mine from the garden centre, when my Grandad did carmations he just put them in a glass of water and they easily rooted with out any...
Not in but parcel when I got it only seeds
It could be that she lives in Ohio, there winters are worse than ours, and summers warmer, which could have a effect on it
will post picture over weekend, Its quite difficult to keep my friend in America has tried 6 over the past 5 years and never kept it
Thats the one found it on ebay £2.95 plus p&p £2.50, really healthy, only in a 9cm pot
Same here, another one arrived today Clem CASSIS
Mrs T's given up with me, every time a parcel arrives, all she says is it another clematis. I've just got Clematis akoensis, its a species from...
I use the W clips, Its like a roof the top one should overlap I used Z clips to hold the top glass in, I fitted the bottom one first then slid up...
Just checked in the the greenhouse, from a cutting taken last year from a friends garden.[ATTACH]
Hi David :sign0016: to Gardeners Corner
We had the same problem, so I invested in these ultra sonic car scarers, they seem to work quite expensive £20 each, but its better than picking...
I'll throw my penny's worth in the conversation, Viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans', tough has old boots, grows to 3 - 4 mtrs, Group 3. koreana...
Separate names with a comma.