We have clay soil and our "lawn" is filled with bugle, daisy, speedwell, hawkbit and others. In our orchard we cut paths but leave the rest to...
Weeded the area where the morning glory seedlings were going and then planted them out. Gave them another good watering. Weeded the area on the...
Planted out the morning glory seedlings this morning. Gave them a good soak last night and then once they had been planted in. Waiting for the...
Had brimstone and orange tips again around the garden. Only 2 swallows and a green wood pecker happy in the sheep field after the ants.
@NigelJ Stunning photos. Love the Arisaema. We grow some and find the whole plant intriguing.
Wow! The photos just keep coming and are so superb. Looking so closely at flowers is amazing. The colours, the textures, the shapes and the sizes...
Azarra serrata is evergreen with clusters of yellow flowers that are fragrant late winter early spring. It can be pruned back but does suffer from...
We grew Ananas D'Amerique last year in the polytunnel. Had very small fruits which were very pleasant. Probably so small as we didn't water enough.
@Logan it does give me more areas to plant them out. I was amazed at the germination rate but will look at different areas to plant them out.
Collected seeds from our morning glory plants last year and sowed them indoors. Amazing germination rate. Wont be long before I can transplant...
@Punkdoc very envious with your Meconopsis. We have tried over the years to grow them but only ever had one flower and then nothing. We followed...
We grow this in our garden and I am never quick enough to pick the young stems to then crystallise them. One day maybe I will.
Interesting @pitter-patter We found a hornet in our kitchen last night. Checked that it wasn't one of the Asian types. But your photo looks very...
Definitely not yellow flag iris. Had a look on the internet and what about Iris psuodacorus 'Roy Davidson'.
@Plantminded Lovely to see the much maligned dandelion. It actually is a very useful plant...young leaves can be used in salads, roots can be used...
We have never put ours outside. It is in our unheated conservatory and has been now for over 10 years. Was unhappy when we had to wrap it up when...
Our Medlar tree is in fine form with the lovely white flowers.
Paeonia peregrina [ATTACH]
Busy finding yet another path that the plants want to grow all over. Now have a clear run! Cutting back some of the nettles that are encroaching...
M [ATTACH] agnolia "Fairy Cream"
Separate names with a comma.