We have many different bamboos in our garden. They were planted with "restricted" membranes which did no good. One of them was spreading and we...
Nothing as rain rain and rain. The "breeze" is very very windy and when the sun does pop out it is gone in seconds.
When people go abroad to "exotic" places they marvel at the beautiful birds that they see. All these posts do show us that we also have fabulous...
@pete we also tried Nepenthes but as you said they need warmer conditions. However our son was given one 2 Christmases ago. We weren't sure what...
@pete we also have leucophylla but this year while it sent up some amazing flowers with rich ruby colour the pitchers are struggling. We will cut...
@cactus_girl we have Darlingtonias outside in a bog area that have been there since 2010 when temps went down to -15. We did try Sarracenias but...
@Plantminded we leave the old fronds on as in nature. This also help to add some protection to the "trunk". We put leaves into the crown over...
We have had disappointing results with all three. They flowered, set seeds and then we haven't seen them since. Purpurea as @NigelJ says both...
They are stunning @Plantminded. We have one that is in a sheltered spot and the fronds have been developing for some weeks with some now at least...
Agree about burdock. Verbascums do have more grey in their leaves.
[ATTACH] Some of our Sarracenias in the conservatory.
@cactus_girl Our insectivorous plants sit in pots in troughs that always have rain water of about an inch in the winter but as the weather warms...
Sarracenia flava. The petals have now fallen off but the pitchers have developed nicely with a lovely bronze tinge. [ATTACH]
@Debs64 Brilliant about your granddaughter. Long may her interest last. Our sons were introduced to wildlife when we took them in harness/back...
Flock of over 20 house martins over the garden this morning and then 2 (only) swallows. Bees back out now the rain has stopped. Ashy mining bees...
Sowed some morning glory seeds collected from our plants last year. Removed some plants from an area that will have work done later in May. Have...
@wiseowl Very evocative photos.
We have 3 Paulownia tomentosa in our garden. The original is cut right back each April to allow the new shoots to send up growths that are 10-12...
Nothing as rain all day. Hopefully better tomorrow.
Separate names with a comma.