@Aries - first of all, welcome to the forum. That’s a very cute looking dog.Sadly, it does look your tuber has gall. Sometimes, nibbling by...
My rough rule of thumb re putting dahlias outside is this. If it’s good enough for tomato plants to go out, it’s okay for the dahlias too....
Dahlias need a soil temperature of about 55 degrees Fahrenheit before they start to develop eyes and grow. A bit of bottom heat will get them...
I’ve never used pins because I once read that they are difficult to remove without damaging the fabric too much if you want to re-use it. I use...
Another vote for having a look. I’ve had one in my ‘stable’ of lawn mowers for getting on for 40 years. Currently needs a new drive/gear/clutch...
My grow-house faces due south and even on a sunny day in winter, it can get very warm in there. I don’t find that the twin wall is a huge...
I refurbished a large wooden grow-house/vertical cold frame with new twin-wall about 4 years ago. I got the twin-wall off the internet pre-cut to...
@vbgr - dahlias do get viruses but often there are other signs as well such as stunted growth, wrinkled leaves, yellow leaf veining, etc.Is the...
Salvia African Sky?[ATTACH]
It is my understanding that the use of neem oil as a pesticide is illegal in the UK. From memory, I think it’s to do with the active ingredient...
Perhaps they’ve got tuber-culosis! :heehee: Okay, I’ll get my coat …One last (serious) suggestion, spider mite?
@shiney - as a grower of a lot of dahlias, my guess is dahlia smut, a virus or leafy gall.Were they large tubers? There are a lot of spindly...
Hello AllI have grown Cherrola for the last two or three years. The taste is reminiscent of ‘old-fashioned’ Gardener’s Delight. To complete the...
@guyloup - this is my favourite dahlia reference site and I think you will enjoy it too, if not the monetary outlay which might result!...
@SWales , congratulations and I hope you have fun planning for the big day. Marley Farley has come up with some good suggestions for shorter...
@Trunky , my sister is Chairman of her village’s flower, produce and craft show. Over the years I have picked up a little knowledge so here are a...
[ATTACH] Here is my 2006 seed report!Mine have been grown outside on a south facing patio. Other family members have grown them in greenhouses...
It’s about time I chipped in with a report re 2006 seed. I’m still waiting to do a taste test but a nice looking crop is evident and all is as to...
@CanadianLori , I suspect your slice of Ontario real estate is a great deal more in need of something sophisticated than my little slice of...
@CanadianLori , fortunately not necessarily so. The system that I have installed will run the pump intermittently - something to do with the...
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