Hi. I want to dig in come compost to someone's rather tough and weedy garden, which has not been tended to for a long time. Once I have loosened...
I'm thinking of adding some colour to the garden and using the crocuses and primulas etc Tesco are giving away, but as it is still quite icy I'm...
I believe that if you neglect to water seedlings they can put out spurts of stem growth, as animals who are underfed will temporarily seem to...
[Just open the PDF, HIGHLIGHT AND COPY the text, paste into a word document, edit and send as a word doc] That proved impossible.
I hear snow is beneficial in providing cover for certain vulnerable young plants.
I am at a total loss and cannot see a way round this whatsoever. As it appears even old fashioned typewriters are out of the question, and I...
I was removing tangled overgrowth and dead wood. A rose bush was also completely overgrown and congested. I snipped off quite a few branches,...
Yep - I sowed on 17th Feb.
What I actually want is to be able to type something up and either print it out there and then as I used to be able to do with typewriters -...
Thanks for that. Nearly a fortnight later and the seedlings are developing well.
Thanks for all your interest and advice ... this week one of the pots has started to show signs of life! The first moon carrot seedlings have...
Thanks for all the info and advice. Software is of no use, though, as I can't use any of it. I might get a laptop with Word built in, otherwise...
Best of luck to all moles everywhere.
Lol, I was never that clever. I started with a proper manual typewriter as an adolescent, then progressed to a "Smith Corona" and used to buy the...
[I mostly grow organic, but only because I find it a tedious chore to mix chemical solutions. Is that really the only reason?
Has anyone any advice on acquiring one of these, and the ink to go with it? I want to produce pamphlets and used to do this years ago with an old...
I'm no expert but like you I am in the early stages of organic growing. I recently submitted an assignment for a course, and one of the essays was...
[Apparently, those of us lucky enough to do gardening for a living are among the happiest workers. :hapfeet: Another good thing about gardening...
Separate names with a comma.