Thanks Dave. I expect it could be used instead of the little ‘Rubber Duck’ antenna on my little VHF Handheld that cost a lot less than many Smart...
As I posted though I have been listening in on ALL bands both HAM, CB, and BC for over 60 years I only bothered to get just the Foundation license...
Thanks Dave
In this forum please when someone kindly posts they LIKE a posting of mine is there a way as in other forums where you can send them a personal...
Great photography and a nice audio. Worth the time. From a friend
Just 6 out of 12 with the following thoughts[IMG] We never get what we want, We never want what we get, We never have what we like, We never...
A few out of 18 lovely flower arrangements from Holland uploaded to my site today.[IMG]
Thanks very much Dave. Looking forward to your email. Send as many of your articles as you like anytime. Let us all know your Call sign. I am sure...
Dave I am the Club Secretary and Editor for could you please email me direct at [email protected] I am...
Thanks. Actually though I have listening in on the HAM bands for some 60 years, from the days I first built a 3 valve RX and now use a FRG7, I...
A few of out 33 uploaded to my site today of LovelyNZ [IMG]
My expert replied as belowGordon, I think so. You can dual boot a Mac with various OS's, here is a tutorial on making it happen with Mac and...
I actually meant the way you can set the CMOS boots up a PC so that it completely ignores Windows and boots up any Linux like Puppy from a disk....
I wonder just as with a Windows PC if the Mac Pc maybe capable of booting up temporary under another Linux like Puppy in RAM. This allowing you...
Perhaps this might help
I wonder if as is often the case you were sold the 64 bit version of Win 7 without being told. Though it may work a little faster with some...
Yes Adobe Flash Player and its updates can often cause problems for some, and ZDNET have been known to issue warnings for awhile of possible...
There are restrictions to posting links in this forum, but I see we are still allowed to quote our web site on our profile. So I best not quote...
[IMG]A few out of several today of Michigan US
If any are curious what HAMs talk about, you can listen into several UK Repeaters in the SE while using your PC anytime if you visit...
Separate names with a comma.