I would get a refurb unit from a specialist site . Some incredible bargains if you hit the site at the right time. Cant remember the name atm.I...
No such thing as "spent compost " in our garden.A good dose of growmore added to it and a bit sand if needed and off it goes...
Just cranking this one up[MEDIA]
Im thinking as they flower on last years growth yours will be fine next year. Some tomorite in spring will help too.
Have you tried turning the round knob at the top of the trigger. It controls the volume of water flowing when the triggrr is squeezed.
Would like to know of a country that hasnt broken international rules before...... Us,China,Israel,Russia,Japan,European Union etc etc etc etc.
Most of the time i dont cut back the stems, just removed the fallen leaves and shake the plant to get the others off too,then binned. The seaweed...
Looks like box blight. Ive got this too. What I do is remove the dead leaves and bin them,spray with mixture of fungicide,aspirin,seaweed and a...
Chainsaw time. And your neighbours will be delighted too. So much more light.
Some animal looking for leatherjackets maybe ? We get the jackdaws making dozens of smaller holes across the lawn doing this.
Why are the Europeans so desperate to keep the British fish resources. Because they know whats coming. And whats that ? Fish population collapse...
Todays technology and me... just bought 2 Echo Dots,dont know what to do with them , but as they were only 99p couldnt resist. Does Alexa "do"...
Ive got a spare Whirly that gets used to carry the hanging basket strawberries. Works well if the weight is balanced.
Chamaerops humilis maybe ? Mine like fresh blood if i get too close .
We're ok up here because we are protected by the :rain: Just like we've been protected from the Sun's uv rays all through June,July and August by...
Maybe your Tracking is out ? Mine was,vibration above 68mph.
Good; Gooseberries,strawberries,rasps,charlotte potatoes,black bamboos,treeferns,palms.:hapfeet: Average; Blueberries,elephant garlic,olive...
Might be worth a soak once a week if your in a dry area. A little feed may help too. Watch out for too much rock salt on the pavement this winter...
An acre? You need - :yikes: [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.