I had a gardener bring me 2 large bags (as in the ones sand gets delivered in) last year, I just tied them up,then turned them upside down,had a...
this year I have fed my plants on liquid chicken manure pellets,i.e. put measure of pellets in watering can and fill with water,stir until all...
If the plants look healthy why not train a few runners into some pots to root,then you will have some nice fresh plants to start a new bed maybe !!
I have.a.Himalaya Giant which is 6 years old,when it finishes fruiting I cut out all the canes that have born fruit,then refasten all the new...
Re my potatoes I called June jumpers,I tried some today and they are just right for new potatoes, about the size of a golf ball10 to 15 per root....
What a lovely looking pup.A chap just round our back way has just got a pug ,he is a lovely little chap,also got sharp puppy teeth.My dog Lady...
What a lovely looking dog,she look's at home laid out on her mat.My girl Lady was also a rescue dog from the dogs trust.We where shocked to find...
As you can see my pet is a collie,she is 91/2 years old now.We got her from the dogs trust.When we got her she was just skin and bone,you could...
I make my compost in the large bags that builder's get their sand etc in.I put all my garden waste in them,anything that's green and soft,when I...
The Strawberry are plants are 2 rows 3 Years old ,2 at 2years old and 2 at 1 year old,(I replant 2 row s of new plants each year,digging out the...
On our site we are only allowed to use a hose pipe to fill tubs etc,I pay £22 for my 1/2 plot,(just given 1/2 of my plot up this year) this is £2...
This year I have had bumper crops of soft fruit.50 strawberry plants,30 lb fruit.Gooseberry's, 3 red bushes, 15 lb also given 12 lb away.1 green...
If you want a quick compost bin ask any local builder if he has any of the large bags that they get their sand in,I use these and get good compost...
I was given some unsold seed potatoes from our allotment site 7weeks ago,they are growing fast and are in flower,going to have a look under them...
Sorry I have not been on for a while but I had problems with my laptop.I got hacked (due to been on a fishing forum) and lost everything that I...
Chap next to me uses mustard,but he sows it at the back end and digs it in when it is about to flower.Then plants his potatoes on it in the new...
Dig your plot over and leave as rough as you can to let the frost do it's work.the only weeds I dig out are any that will spread under ground...
Hi all, as a newbie to this site I also have other hobbies as well as my allotment which is my main hobby, my other ones are course fishing,model...
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and love my allotment,but my second love is course fishing,i go on average twice a week.I fish at a lake 3 miles...
Hi my name is Ian,I found this forum on Google
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