I never grow earlies,just 2nd earlies.My two main ones are Kestral and Picaso,this year I planted 10 rows,11 plants per row and finished with 4...
We did this once on our site a few years ago,It was fine to start with but soon turned into a dumping ground.We had 2 very good contacts who only...
Re Dahlias,don't take them up util we have had a frost and they go black (sorry site after seeing such lovely blooms) cut back all blacked foliage...
With regards to rat problems,I was talking to the chap who has taken on the job of rats on the allotments. Anyone who has a problem has to let him...
As Jungle Jane say's power tools and fuel are the main things they seem to want.As I posted earlier we had breakins 3 weeks ago 42 sheds broken...
If the waiting list is so short you should not have to wait too long hopefully,on our site they seem to change quite often.I used to find when I...
HarryS glad to help. this was one of my bankers when I was showing some years ago,when it was first put on the market it was all the rage for...
Go to the site and ask anyone who is on site about getting a plot,some one will soon tell you,or if like our site at the moment some one will soon...
Charlies Angel.Nice sweet pea,light blue to pale lilac,nice scent.
My pal on the next plot to me swears by mustard ,has 2 lots sown already ,with one crop about ready for digging in.Since he started with it some...
If the asbestos is cement based we can take it to our local site,it has to be placed into 2 strong plastic bags then sealed with tape so no dust...
If sowing onions for kitchen use I would sow in late Jan or Feb, when you have a strong growth plant into seed trays,harden of in late March,and...
I pot my cucumbers into 5 l pots then stand them in washing up bowls so that they get watered from the bottom.Feed into the pot top with chicken...
Sorry to say but I can't grow rocket on my plot as the slugs love them, The last time I grew them I got one boiling from 25 plants.That's why I...
Charlies Angels was one of my bankers when I was showing it made a good strong plant.We used to take all the flower buds of until 4 buds where...
Nothing wrong ,with them ,just right size for new spuds (mouth waters:yes::yes:) Do plenty then what you have left over fry next morning and have...
What type of property do you live in I,E. new or old ,why I ask is that if you live in a new build you should have two sets of drains ,1 for waste...
Planted mine yesterday,just got them watered in and in then it poured done,As long as you have some green leave showing out of the hole your plant...
I have heard of this way before ,so next time I sow sweet corn will try it.This year is the first time I have had this problem with no seed coming...
Bex,just put you a reply on your other post regards sweet corn failure.I've been gardening now for 60 years and this has happened to me...
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