I have just bought a Camelia to go in the front garden where there is a space in the middle, Would you put it in now or wait for the weather to...
I have just realised that Camelia are evergreen [I know what you are saying ?] What price do you think I would be paying for one, Wilkos have...
I still have some Alstroemelia Plants [Peruvian Lilies ] left if anyone would like some, These are orange/yellow flowers with dark streaks of...
I have a walk in type of cold greenhouse and it has the reinforced green type of cover that is now getting worn does anyone know where I can get a...
LOFOS Seeds wanted will pay p+p or whatever other name for this plant is TRY LOPHOSPERMUM
I put some of these plants/tubers on the thread last year and I was wondering if any one else would be interested in having some more I would only...
Would any one have any Lophosperum seeds to spare I would pay p+p many thanks
I have a money plant [Crassula Ovata] in the dining room but having just bought new dining room chairs we are stuck for room with this big plant...
I have had a new camera for xmas would anyone be interested in my praktica camera it is model b100 with a load of extras will put pics on later
I had this plant outside in the summer and I think it flowered It has been on the window sill for a while now and shows no signs of...
I have two brugs in my back garden about 4ft tall flowers have nearly dropped now and leaves a little tired how do I overwinter do I cut down or...
I have some forget me not plants that I am trying to split when is the best time to plant them and when do they flower
Here is another of my plants that needs ID mid green leaves with small yellow flowers the plant seems to want to creep could it be a type of...
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff62/GOLFELSIEMAY/PLANTIDANDAJUGAPLANTSFOREBAY001.jpg This is a another plant I have but is it a plant or...
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff62/GOLFELSIEMAY/IMG_0010-1.jpg could you tell me the name of the fushia that I have in my garden it is an...
I have a weeping willow kilmarnock about 7 year old and the height is about 5ft 6Inch it is now to big for garden and I was wondering if anyone...
I have just taken the front border up in our garden and I have a lot of peruvian lilies[alstroemeria] which someone can have very cheap there is...
I have been given a Praktica camera the model is B100 electronic I also have some lens[zoom] also a cobra auto 210 looks like a flash of some kind...
I hava a fatsia at the bottom of my garden quite sheltered and I have noticed new growth at the bottom would I be able to tease this away and...
does anyone know where I can get some rustic poles from the ones you can make a fence with I have looked at some places and I am thinking do I...
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