This link might help;
Hi all; This is my latest blog;
Hi allI first got into blogging late last year, and quite liked doing it, so I practiced by writing a few blogs on some places I have visited...
This article on allotments along with its related links will cover most of the things the others have said and possibly a bit more!...
An excellent description of what is basically a simple gardening technique that is often misunderstood and creates concern to some people!Well...
Been reading this thread with great interest particularly now that available composts have questionable materialsThese are my thoughts on the...
Thought you might like to see a few of my pictures.I have produced my gallery in the form of a "blog"In order to add a few more words to that...
Liked your plot!Sad to see so much water still hanging around!Is your soil ' free draining' will it soon drain off?I like to get my digging...
Hi all, Re-why I wet my sand! A lot depends upon how your cable is laid out in the sand and how far apart the lines of cable are. In my...
An interesting thread this one and one that could go on and on due to ones opinion on the subject.My view of it is; it seems to have got out...
Have a look in my week by week propagation notes here;
I let mine grow to five sets of flowers.In the past I have tried six/seven sets and been ravaged by blackfly.Another benefit I find is the...
Have a look in here it might help.
You don't actually say where you are but this map might help; the record the numbers are planting out 'week...
When you get to this stage just cut off the growing tip a pair of leaves above the last truss.
I would say you have sun scorch as well!Looking at the leaves in the centre of the plant they seem OK .Is all the growing tips a healthy green...
See the reply I made in the edible section.Regarding number of trusses this is often dependent on the height you have available plus too many...
I have answered this in the edible section!
I think this is what Claire is referring to; the box!! is there drainage holes in the bottom?
Initially remove the growing tip.This will cause the plant to form at least two branches.If you want to grow numerous fruit then again...
Separate names with a comma.