Lots of talk on various threads about good year for x, bad year for y. Be nice to have a summary of everyone's successes and failures, see if...
Is that one in the pic the x purpureus, Owl? I just love them. Those delicate single flowers that look almost fake they are so perfect. And my...
I only do it when I'm going away. Saucers under pots outdoors, indoor chillis sat in the bath etc. I don't like doing it, but it's probably...
Definitely divide it. I'm now up to 4 decent sized Potentillas from the one (rather expensive) variety I bought 4 or 5 years ago. Bargain. Might...
Hmn yes. Hadn't thought of it from the nursery stock angle. It does seem rather unlikely. Damn, wish I was listening properly at the time,...
I vaguely recall* my tutor saying that some breeders / nurseries breed plants deliberately so you can't propagate them. Not only sterile from...
Brilliant. Just what I was after. Thanks, Wise Owl!
I vote Rosemarinus. Too big for a heather I think.
I've got two varieties on the go. 'Green' something and 'Autumn' something if memory serves. (Green Magic? Autumn King? Could be) Both going...
One of my favourite plants of all, is Cistus. One in my garden ('Silver Pink', I think) is getting a bit straggly, and I'm desperate to get a...
Ah, good old Solanaceae. The only plant family you poison enthusiasts will ever need. Must have been a brave man who first dared to eat spuds...
I know what you mean, Liz. Purple Milan is quite a strong flavoured turnip even if you pick 'em young, I find. Try it mashed with carrot and a bit...
Think it's just one of those things. I did go away for a few days during that hot spell and they weren't watered regularly, which might have...
Top notch 'jets those, Snowbaby. I'm jealous - mine have been rubbish this year for some reason. I'm usually buried in the damn things too.
For the time being, just sit and watch. Keep watering and feeding regularly, and they should ripen. If they still haven't ripened in a few...
Are you sure No 1 is a Sedum, Marley? Looks like a heather / heath to me. And No 3 looks like wild strawberry.
Unemployment is horrific in every way imaginable. I get furious when I hear people, egged on by - erm - certain newspapers and parts of the media...
To be honest, Peter, I can't remember the full details. Just passing on what my tutor (some RHS bod) told me. I think the problem with adding...
Hmn. How long have your day lillies been in the same spot? If they've become overcrowded they would lose their vigour, and need dividing.
It's very unlikely that any border soil in reasonable condition will need fertiliser, particularly clay which is full of nutrients, so I add...
Separate names with a comma.