17lbs from Bedfgordshire
a good brace from Bucks 32lbs and 18lbs
32 pounds pike from Buckinghamshire
Big Headed esox
18 pounds from a fen drain
To many years ago to remember
A mornings finds (on a good day)English silver coins 15th century,copper rose farthings,2,000 year old roman coin and 12 th century buckle
Crotal Bells,16 17th century,these were worn by cattle and horses
Buckles Roman,and 12 th to 16th century
pilgrims flasks. 16th century,these were filled with holy water
Silver groats of Henry 7th and Elizabeth 1st
British hammered silver coins 12th to 17th century
Couldent beleive my eyes when this popped up,solid gold over 2,000 years old,Catuvellauni tribe Stator. Neighbour of Boudica
14th to 17th century buckles
Selection of Roman brooches ive found
Variation of objects found over the years
Separate names with a comma.