I grew Coboea late last year, the whole pack germinated very easily but I never got round to planting them out. Decided to try them again this...
Wow! That is a pretty amazing bulb. Not sure I'd pay that kind of price though!
Last December I was walking around the Christmas market in Manchester, and came across a stall selling named Hippeastrum bulbs. I haven't grown...
Thanks! The individual flowers don't last long, only a week or so if I'm lucky but they keep pushing out one after another. Apparently it can...
I preferred its old name, Quamoclit lobata!I've grown this s few times now and although I get large plants, I've never had any flowers.
Psychopsis mariposa[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Gorgeous, I've always wanted to grow it, but only ever found seeds available. I grew A. Konjack a few years ago, the flower formed, started to...
I don't really use my telescope regularly enough, as its quite portable I now tend to take it with me when I go camping.Besides, I wouldn't...
Blood donor
I tried self pollinating the last one I had but no joy. I recently read an article stating that they are not self fertile and a separate clone is...
One is in Kidderminster called Barnett Hill, the other is in Worcester but I can't remember its name, sorry.That Tacca is gorgeous. I saw one...
There are a couple of garden centres near me that really slash the houseplant prices when they are past their best.The nearest on to me has an...
If anyone has a Strelitzia in flower or flowers about to open, could I trouble you to perhaps send me some pollen? I'd like to attempt to...
I have a wet area in my garden and I planted Zantedeshia authiopica. It went nuts and trebled in size! Seems to have made it through the winter...
Cattleya Hybrid [ATTACH][ATTACH]Had this plant around 5 years now. It was an impulse buy as I had never seen a bright yellow orchid. I...
That looks awesome! Never thought of using jam to flavour cider. I usually just make a standard Turbo Cider. Have you made it before?
Very kind of you to offer, thank you. If you can get fresh seeds, try growing u. westonii (Polypompholyx). I grew these partially submerged and...
Skywatcher Skymax 127 MAK. This is my 3rd telescope and does very well I highly recommend it.[ATTACH]
It has 3 crowns altogether, one is in the process of splitting in two. It was quite restricted, the pot had split and there where huge roots...
I used to specialise in Utricularia when I grew carnivorous plants and similarly, I used to sell starter colonies in old film pods. They where...
Separate names with a comma.