A cottage garden near me ( open to the public) has got Cobaea pringlei for sale. Apparently this is much hardier and will grow back from the roots...
I've always liked the look of these with there furry, purplish leaves and so I treated myself this year to a packet of seeds. They have grown...
Anyone grow these? I'm trying them out for the first time. I'm really surprised at how thin the vines flowers and embryonic fruit are. They seem...
Looking good, mine have come on nicely too but I've run out if upwards room for them to grow! Did not realise they where so vigorous![ATTACH]
My conservatory is the same. Temps at one point where over 50*c. I've had to out all but the cacti outside.
Looks like aquilegia?
Jeez, just read the above, I'm really not so illiterate. I type too fast and don't notice the autocorrect doing its thing!
Out of curiosity I prised some seeds out of a water lotus seed head that my mum has in her pot pouri. I found done instruction on line on how to...
I haven't grown tomatoes for years but decided to make room for one plant this year as I have become a bit fed up of the flavourless rubbish they...
On my bathroom windowsill!Oh, will sort your Aristolochia out this week. Sorry for the delay, with my bad foot and mother in law seriously ill...
Thanks Strongylodon. Not long after this post I found out what they where as the seller emailed me the details from his price list. The first is...
What species is that Pete? My E. oxypetalum has just started to produce buds but only ever has 2 or 3 at a time.
I used to grow Katie. I think I actually died from flowering itself to death!
Thanks Lea, the Adenium was a new purchase yesterday too. I've always wanted one, but didnt ave the patience to start one from seed. I was very...
Bought these bromeliads yesterday from a local shop. The shop sells Dart frogs and products for creating home vivariums and they had quite a...
Dow Thistle, a favourite of my tortoises!
I would be tempted to feed them with a quick release liquid fertiliser to get them started and then no more! I've grown containerised nasturtium...
I made TC once. It was VERY potent stuff and gave me the worst hangover I've ever had. Never made it since!
They are used to add tannin. What this actually does to th wine I'm not sure but for the sake of a couple of tea bags I always added it anyway!
You use a bottle of Ribena and then boil it slowly for around 20 mins to drive off any preservatives. I used strawberry Ribena and there are lots...
Separate names with a comma.