[img]Hi Will, This is the photo of lawn and border.The border at the bottom end just gets wider and wider. Would like to move grass over about 4...
Thanks Will and Paladin. Lots of great informaion which is much appreciated. What I should have said Will was I would like to cut an eight inch...
The border round my lawn is getting wider every year. This is due to my other half slicing off about an inch now and again to make a nice straight...
So Difficult- Don't know much about the technical side of photography so have chosen the pictures which I like most.1st Nathan's Hedgehog-----...
Hi Petal, I bought three of those battery operated Cat Scarers for my rosebeds.They don.t have a very big radious but they worked for a few nights...
What a terrible thing to happen :( :( especially when you had spent the day polishing it. Do let us know if you get it back. I had the...
Hi Birdy I have three large Rhodo's in half barrels. the leaves turn yellow after flowering dry up and fall off. If I see any of the other leaves...
Thanks again, the leaves are still lovely and green and very healthy looking so I will leave until they go brown. Never heard of Lily beetle Fran...
I have some Stargazer lilies in my border which have been wonderful this summer. Trouble is, I didn't realise they grew so tall and didn't look...
Thanks Sam I have Rhododendrons and Azaleas in wooden barrels and they do fine,also hostas in pots which I cut down and top dress with compost. I...
I buy half coconut shells filled with what looks like fat of some kind mixed with seeds etc, for the birds in the garden. I now have lots of empty...
Sam, I like the idea of pots,as my borders are almost full. Are the shrubs and plants you mention hardy and can pots stay outside all winter?
So glad so you have started the container gardening section. Your photograph makes me feel so good, as I thought I was the only one who could...
[img]Hi, Bayleaf, Pete and Fran, I am sorry I think I have misled you about the skimmia. After searching through the internet I think the shrub...
Hi yvonne I too am fairly new to the site, and I have never come across a group of people who are so friendly and helpful as the good folks of...
Thanks Fran That is great help... Really hubby's computer and he registered on Gardeners Corner prompted by me because he was decimating...
I know Fran I'm still grieving, but yours truly still has the grin all over his face,and got his fence painted which I think was the main reason...
What beautiful flowers do they have to be in full sun. Thinking I could put them beside my(once was) holly tree but it is a bit shaded down that...
Is is possible to grow rhubarb in a container as I have no spare room in borders. If so can anyone tell me what the best rhubarb would be and when...
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