nothing to be worried about whiley, and i bet you wont be the only new member there [img] they dont mesure you and they dont do exercises,...
i won a �£3.50 token to spend in their shop, so i got the new magazine and 3 packs of ww chewy sweets :D not bad for first time there! i bet...
hey whiley thats a great start!!!! [img] [img] how much do you think you could lose in 8 weeks? I'm going to try and get to target in 8...
do it before the snow in anyways!
re the smoking in public places, i'm a smoker but i think it's much nicer having to smoke outside. even at home i dont like smoking infront of non...
hey the foam mattress could be a fun item :D
be wary of the guarantee on your fridge freezer - i bought one form iceland 2 months ago and got a letter saying - hasnt a year passed quickly,...
i bought a singing reindeer for �£3.25 in Wilinsons (that was my bargain of the century! reduced from �£9,99)- some marks and spencers...
Hi Helen, they probably will be attracted to the other neighbours tins. I'm sure my cats have probably driven people up the wall before, but i...
thanks pete, it was ticked, hopefully they work now... :p a post isnt complete without one i think!now helen how do you know i own a whip?...
this is great! we can do this!!!! sweetp, whiley and myself want to lose 2 stone - borrowers want to lose some - i think together we can!!!...
sweetp, i think i might go for a straight 30lbs too and then say thats it - 30lbs is equal to 2 dress sizes, so if you were a 14 thats to a 10 to...
theyll try to stop us picking our noses next - *sorry we cant treat you you're a nose picker* next!
hi proguard, that's maybe not such a bad idea for my paths rather than gravel - been thinking about that today and maybe gravel and cats not so...
why dont the emoticons work for me anymore??? :) :D :dance: :confused: :A: :p :boohoo:are they showing up?
well its very wet today helen, so not a good start..but i wasnt going to start today anyway :D the stage 9 was aimed for the cats haha, when it...
cany wait to see what it'll look like in 6 months time - i think you'll do wonders in that time.
wow, its been interesting sitting here and seeing a whole garden come to completion - it looks really nice (and posh too!) well done, and i think...
hey pro gard, I think you mean get my husband to get out there and get the pavings moved haha ;o) actually youre probably right, that will be my...
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