Totally agree with you. One sure way to avoid bringing un-named plants to your garden is to ... not buy them.:biggrin:
Close-ups of the day... [IMG] Lamprocapnos spectabilis (unknown pink variety) [IMG] Clematis ‘Guernsey Cream’ One of my first Clematis to flower.
A lovely and unusual specimen of Lamprocapnos!
A general view of the garden taken today between a couple of showers of rain (and hail). [IMG]
Hi @Javidr It's your garden and your choice. My advice is to give up the idea of growing a Wisteria in that particular spot and in that...
Best advice I can provide at this point is to remove that Wisteria ASAP. I'm amazed that gardeners still don't realise that wisterias quickly grow...
What is BFB?
Hi @strongylodon You seem to have quite an exotic garden! I also have a Fatsia japonica 'Spider’s Web' specimen, but it's in a (large) container...
Lovely pics, especially the Cardamine pratensis. Looking forward to sighting the lovely orange tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) sitting on...
'The white is up' in Papi Jo's garden! [IMG] Narcissus triandrus 'Thalia' [IMG] Malus Perpetu 'Evereste' [IMG] Loropetalum chinense [IMG]...
I'm sure you could become a savvy member of the BPS, @micearguers ! Re the ID, I've taken a new look at my small fern collection and to my dismay...
Most ferns are difficult to identify, as they are too similar. The closest I can think of is one of the Polystichum, but no guarantee. Let's see...
There are so many settings on this forum that it's easy to miss something out! @On the Levels please go to your Profile page and check if you have...
Great pics; we are really in the heart of those orchids! By the way, could you please PM me to discuss another matter privately
@micearguers Beautiful pics of lovely fronds. Thanks for posting... now to find time for identification, administration, etc.!
That's a lot of interesting ferns... are they mostly in containers or in the ground? Looking forward to more details and pics...
Leaves don't look like Salvia to me. Try to rub one leaf between your fingers and smell it. Salvias have a strong, distinctive scent.
Hi! As I said in my post "I see no objection to your posting images from your previous garden, pending new flowering in your current garden!"...
@Sheal Images posted here are expected to be "fresh" and related to the current season. However I see no objection to your posting images from...
Separate names with a comma.