We only get the occasional pink flower, never a full clump or enough to disrupt the overall blueness (is that a word?). If I did get a full clump,...
It’s obviously a gamble sowing seeds from bought in veg but it’s can be fun and doesn’t cost anything other than a little time and growing space....
Thank you for such a detailed reply @micearguers. Although at the top of the hill we get some shelter from trees (ours and the neighbours) so not...
Kashmir White is lovely but I only get a short single flush here and it doesn’t seem to like been crowdedMax Frei makes a lovely clump and here...
Hello David,Why pot plants? I only ask as generally plants in the ground are usually easier to look after than pots.
I have just one tiny clump of daisies, maybe 3-5 flowers, which appears every year and every year I hope it will grow and spread …sigh….
My first thought was Fuchsia too but I’ve never taken Salvia cuttings so more on instinct than experience
Any recommendations for ferns in sun for most of the day, soil is fairly moisture retentive? I’ve always loved the look of Osmunda regalis but...
I don’t use any pesticides so resort to continually checking under the rims of any seed trays (a popular spot for my slugs), under any pots etc....
Yes, herons are quite fascinating to watch @Anna42 annd I wonder where they go too. Ours visit usually in October and then anytime between January...
We have pond snails and they are a popular delicacy with our visiting pair of crows, Arthur and Guinny . You can hear them crunching the shells...
Rosa rugosa are often sold as hedging plants so you should be able to source one/more quite easily and hopefully cheaplyEdited to add: you can...
It’s in garden soil already, but not submerged. Is that to help prevent it drying out?
Ooh thanks, @Jenny_Aster , for the recommendation for Burlesque, sounds delicious.I have some peppers in the fridge so might have a go sowing...
There’s always tomatoes seedlings popping up in my GH beds as I mulch with home-made compost so it should grow. I tend to weed mine out but am...
Not done any of mine yet. Usually start around now. Our windowsills are too small for indoor growing and not enough light to place near by so all...
We didn’t have problems with it been slippery but I guess that depends on how finely it’s shredded and the balance between wood and green? Our...
We were no dig and initially our beds/paths were the same level. Beds did get higher over time with added mulch etc over the years but most roots...
They also have lots of shallow fibrous roots which make it difficult for anything else to establish.I think they could be very slow to rot down...
Geranium macrorrhizums should be happy there too. Might be taller than you want but Eurybia divaricata aka wood aster would also do well
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