[ATTACH]Rosa Lark Ascending ascending
Has anyone used cockle shells for a path or seating area?We are reshaping a small seating area (just a bench), at the moment it’s gravel but we...
Pinks have a lovely scent, or at least some of them do
A picture might help :)
I don’t know, mine was corbariensus so a different variety. It may be that Alan is a more open type
Looks like Alan Fradd, if so RHS sat height and spread are 0.5-1m.We had some that outgrew their space and I cut them back straight after...
Sorry, couldn’t resist.Evening Primrose, jasmine, am guessing you have honeysuckle?Also Stocks, but that’s one of those scents I can never...
Woundwort? Oh, I think you’ve got that already :whistle:
Garden soil would be fine. All my pots are a mix of old used compost mixed with home-made compost and/or garden soil
Yes, a better understanding of the aspect would help.Looking at plants listed as good for coastal areas might be useful as they are usually wind...
Just bookmarked it in Sounds. Remember doing it for my o’levels alongside Brave New World
Looks lovely @simone_in_wiltshire , my plants are well used to been moved around although I don’t do that quite as much now as in the first few...
Yes @Plantminded , I’ve think you might be right. I decided this morning to pause any further moves. I had the Hakonechloa either side of a path...
My guess is that it would just be a slower effect if used as a mulch although thats subjective as it depends how fast your compost heap works....
Hello @Meomye , usually it’s a sign of some sort of nutrient deficiency so a feed should help. Are your roses in pots? I only ask as they are...
I’m not sure they are different just maybe affected by weather as suggested.
I can’t help re what it might be, but I wouldn’t spray anyway unless I had a definitive diagnosis.Cherries can get a fungal disease called...
If shopping on a supermarket site, @DiggersJo , isn’t the country of origin usually part of the listed product information. More of a faff to look...
I’ve spent several days moving things around. We had a very old, large laurel tree removed and a previously shady area of the garden is now...
Maybe with Nigella, it’s also a transport issue, a bit fragile (maybe not to break but to flop?) plus it’s easy to grow directly ( except in my...
Separate names with a comma.