No idea Glenw but I saw one and wondered the same thing so I hope someone knows!!
LoL I am truely sorry to hear this sad news. Love to you and hubby
yes sprinkler is correctthis is Dizi's daughter here she's gone away for work and forgotten her laptop! so she won't be back for a couple of days
Lovely, lovely, lovely - I hope you are enjoying the garden after all your hard work
Loving Memories LoL, can't wait to see the next one
OK here you go...[img]
[img] Another one [img]:cool: Weather is too nice for that sort of work at the moment Patricia, save it for the bad weather!!OK I have...
paint roller which holds the paint
[img] very clever woo
carpet shampoo thingy
[img] [img] [img]
rofl great pics LoL :D
We already had a thread on this, you might find it useful to take a look...
I have one. I love mine, I don't find it any hotter than a normal mattress
Hi Slips welcome to GC
Sophie looks just so cute jjordie and a lovely place to remember her.Roders your cat looks a little bigger than mine, this one is another of...
Well done, 3 excellent pictures. Congrats Paladin
[img] Well done LOL a great picture
Aaah how cute. Here is my cat helping with laying the patio[img]
Wow, how fantastic, and you had your camera ready too!!
Separate names with a comma.