we had a staffy dog before when i lived at home so got some idea what to expect lol although he was 5 when we had him he had been a stud dog...
hi all i have re-homed a staffy 9 weeks ago on tuesday she was found as a stray so we took her in thing is i would love to re-home another a...
MARLEY FARLEY ................................ how horrible to have a puppy farm nearby i hope that they do shut them down i hate it its...
lol they do weigh a bit don't they i had to laugh when i went the vets he said right lets have a look can you just pop her on the table :flag:...
we have already head butted :( and it hurt :hehe: she's also turned into a puppy so i have chew marks too :flag: but i love her too bits i have...
many thanks for your good wishes its lovely of you will post tomorrow night to let you all know whats happened paladin............... i think...
its a very sad world we live in at the mo :mad: http://info.itvlocal.com/dogs.shtml i found this the other day these people well i call them...
heres a pic of rosie chilling on her sofa (use to be mine lol ) bless [img] she went to the vets yesterday had the all clear and was...
hi all hope your all well :thumb: i just wanted to have a little rant over a website selling pets that i had a look at yesterday just out of...
well a little update ! we were starting back work on monday morning but........................... now are not ! had a phone call from...
hi all well looks like this company KPS Capital Partners have bought wedgwoods or its going through this is the same company that talks fell...
lol lollipop found this too http://seederman.com/making_basket.htm
oooooooooooooo found one done looks fab http://www.watermate.co.uk/baskets.html
thats what i thought :idea: it says if you use larger plants it can look like an established hanging basket sounds good to me as mine don't reach...
good afternoon everyone just wondered if anyone had tryed these before :idea:...
hi all hope your all wellwell here's a little (lol) updatei have rang the local dogs home and rosie is now legally ours hooray !the toilet...
:thumb: some really good info there thanks paul i will past it on :idea: cracking job of the bathroom too :gnthb: looks lovely i have...
borrowers thankyou soooooooooooooooo much for taking your time to reply it must of done your head in lol great info again thankyou currently...
thanks is lovely to know i can come on and get support from you lovely people the funny thing is i normally need support growing me toms or...
hi yes we are in a union but to be honest they are really **** they use to have a bit of clowt but they ammount to nothing now the head of union...
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