well suprise suprise its RAINING again here and has been for the last 2 weeks every day and its getting colder :eek:it says its going to be...
hi there i would go for turf seeds a pain in the bum takes ages to knit together and in the mean time weeds invaid it and moss i have done both...
hi all i have had cabbage 7 pots of spuds (9 to go) radish spring onions toms garlic collys peas 1 strawberry they had loads of flowers on...
very overcast and black over bills mums but...................... its not rainning yet ! we so need some sun here my plants are begining to give...
in needing a boat to get to my greenhouse CUS IT KEEPS BANGING DOWN WHERES THE RUDDY SUMMER
hello lady of leisure we are holidaying in portugal on the 14th sept for 10 days just wondered which area you are in ?? we are flying to lisbon...
mine too no rust as yet but follage is dying but the bulbs are quite small i also planted last october !!
thanks daisees i shall just nip out to drench them i did spray them then other night but only a little thanks
thanks folks
hi all just wondered if any of you have been to bulgaria at all i have been twice but this was over 20 yrs ago and was just wondering where...
thanks folks :thumb:i have been watering most days not bothered when its rainned thoughglad to know that alls not lostand i will nip out...
good morning all is there anyway to pollinate runner beans ? whats happening is i have had lots of flowers for about 3 weeks now but they are...
bright but VERY VERY windy :eek:
oh god here we go again where is the summer i ask :mad: well i have boxed my greenhouse in so fingers crossed all will be well my spuds took...
Helofagdigger i have to do nappies every night my little one is only 3 very good during the day but night time is a bit hit and miss lol :) i...
hi all quick tom question i am growing some beefsteak and it says for indoor growing now my greenhouse is a little crowded and they started...
hi nickp i think you have to wait untill autum to scarify i have been aereating my lawn for most of the yr with no probs
Good morning allJust had to share this with youIVE GOT MELONS :Dits my first time growing these and i was a little gutted as i don't like...
vegmandan pmsl
hi hammer i planted them mid feb and then a pot every 2 weeks so they were'nt all ready at the same time nice one freddy mine are maris peer ,...
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