whenever i buy a bunch of cut flowers that contain Gerbera, after they have been in the vase a couple of days the gerbera's always start to droop...
hi, does anyone know why when you buy a bunch of mixed cut flowers the ones like Gerbera and others with downy soft stems droop within a couple of...
hi coub, yes i got ur pm then pc went down lol. Anyway back on now as u can see. hope your ok now:thumb:linda.
Hi, got ur seeds -thankyou:thumb: iv pm'd you.Linda.
Can anyone tell me how i get photos onto this forum please as id like to enter the photo of the month etc?thankyoooowillow.
Hi all or morning all by the time you all read this :D)I finally found out what was wrong with outlook express (mine anyway), somehow my...
Virgin Media and so far iv had good service apart from (i think someone said) its pot luck as to wether they know one end of a computer to...
hi, my outlook express has suddenly stopped working. it keeps asking me for my password even though i have put the right one in. I have even...
hi, west yorkshire here,bloody awful weather. I know its good for the garden but you can have too much of a good thing haha.Nar, stuck in...
hi mrs shiney,how many do you want or do you want me to put a bit of each in the post for you? if you pm me your address i'll get them sent...
hi there, I have some honesty seeds,pink foxglove,fennel seeds,borage seeds,dwarf mixed godetia seeds,phlox seeds,poppy (iceland...
Hi, iv got some rosemary cutting you can have if you would like them?
hi all, Iv got 3 gooseberry bushes fruiting but can anybody tell me why ants have made their homes on the end of the branches? theyve...
he also has a good squirrel deterrent too :o)
my father in law uses carpet gripper rods and puts them just under the soil. They dont pierce the cats paw but do make them leap away .
i have 3 outdoor tomato plants and i wanted to know when do i start feeding them please? They are currently 12 inch high with one flower on one of...
Hi, i have 2 cats and we provide a couple of areas for them to do 'their thing'. It works extremly well. Also where you have put plants in we have...
Hi all, has anyone tried the bean called 'canadian wonder'? I had some sent to me and just wondered if anyone had tried them (taste wise that is)....
Hi, my first post since last year. I bought a apple tree last year. one of those slimline ones to go in a large container(forget the name). If...
glad to see the bay tree topic is still going lol and all i wanted was to know wen to pot haha. Glad i joined this forum its wonderful. [img]
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