I've grown several as well, but n ever been able to overwinter one, or to get it to flower. We'vehad this come up beforebut can't remember anyone...
Strongy, thank you very much for your seed offer- I have some seedlings from seed you sent me last year! still tiny though. This was a larger bush...
Recently I heard someone on the radio saying that decking deterred wildlife in gardens. Mine is a haven for spiders, beetles, loads of other...
Nematodes are undoubtedly effective but are quite expensive. I have been using Ferramol with considerable success this summer. It does kill the...
It really does look lovely, well done! [img] [img] [img]
They are truly amazing- are they sprayed with something to stop them drying out and crumbling? [img] :confused: [img]
What a lovely little flower! Chiltern seeds sell it- I just might have to try!
Some of my disasters: Ceanothus and Callistememon gave up the ghost completely. Both hibiscus bushes dropped their leaves in mid August before...
All this summer when I walk the dogs in the local park, I have been collecting lolly sticks! the cafe has closed for winter now but I have around...
Thanks both, I've had another look and I think it's the Eleagnus. Quite pleased as it will grow in shade. [img]
Large brown slugs with orange frilled 'foot' [img] :eek:The praying mantis is amazing!
I had one in my former garden which was a mature tree when I moved in. It did produce the occasional suckers which were mowed up as it it was in...
No picture I'm afraid... This is a large shrub with pointed oval leaves which are dark green and furry when young, not so much when older. Leaves...
Here's my thoughts! 1 Fuchsia possibly Lena as it is the right colour and it is marginally hardy. 2 Iris? 3 Tamarisk 4 Weigela 5 perennial...
My neighbour has a tiny pond which always has lots of tadpoles. This year they are still tadpoles- one or two have got legs but the weather is...
Hi, have just seen these beautiful pictures, am very envious! [img] [img] [img]
I had lots of flowers but very few olives forming this year. Perhaps its the rain!
My younger sister was married in Kensington register office just over 30 years ago and we went to the gardens to celebrate . It had then been...
I have been trying these, and not realising they had a cereal base have been mystified as to where they all went! Thanks for clarifying that....
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