I have a rambler rose, Paul's Himalayan Musk, growing almost too well in quite dense shade- it gets a little dappled sun early in the morning. It...
I would recommend having two if you have space, one to add to the year and one to mature from last. and if you have 'open' heaps rather than...
Have a look and see if the leaves have a silvery sheen, Silver leaf is a disease plums are prone to if pruned at the wrong time. The lack of fruit...
It looks as if it might be quite dry as well with those big trees, but there are many ferns which would be ok, hostas will give many shades of...
That is strange, as Shiney says usually no problems with willows, but last year I had one with similar problems. As it was getting too big I cut...
I am in warminster, pleased to report very many birds here! I am plagued by Jackdaws who regularly nest in a neighbour's chimney, and who eat vast...
I bought this: http://www.twowests.co.uk/TwoWestsSite/pages/product/product.asp?prod=TOSPW&gclid=CIX8rbrDirECFccLfAodBSucMA Called a Speedy Weedy!...
Couple of hours sun this afternoon, managed to get my grass cut:SUNsmile: 3 of my Gloriosa seedlings are growing happily- tubers are still less...
I thought that but leaves are shiny so wasn't sure. But there is one, Rhus copallinum: [IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Do you know if yours is white or blue, marley? I'm so pleased with the blue I've ordered a white one [Deinanthe Bifida] from here:-...
Do you know whether seed will come true from these? I have a tiny yellow/red one which comes up every year, and I have some lovely colours this...
http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/organicgardening/compost_pf.php I use a shredder to cut up all my prunings for 'brown' additions, and lawn mowings...
Last year I grew 'Angelique', very pretty pink double, with some white doubles. They looked like a little patch of paeonies.
I have Headbourne hybrids, the commonest ones, had to split them last year as they were very potbound, nearly lost them this winter although last...
Yes ,they need frost protection over winter. I have the Festalis, Harrisiana which has smaller flowers with a tiny trumpet, and Sulphur Queen...
My favourite weed, ivy leaved Toadflax [IMG] Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile'[IMG] A seedling iris given to me last year, has another bud to come:)...
Here is a picture [excuse quality] but perhaps you can see why I want to prune it. [IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Hymenocallis Festalis [IMG] and the Deinanthe Caerulia, one stem last year, now five, all with buds [IMG]
Thanks all. They do get only rainwater and I top up their soil with ericacious compost every year. It is a very big pot so I don't think I can...
Hi all I have 2 pieris in a large pot, they have been in the same pot for all their lives [about 10 years]. One is Forest Flame, and the other is...
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