As has already been pointed out, you're going to have some problems and a lot of preparation if you're going to switch off the Office Computer....
Some sort of Nameplate on the wall? "Keep off the Grass" notice?
What to they speak in Oz - do they call it English or Australian?
Being a mine of useless information....... A Google is a 1 with 100 zeros after it. It was 'invented' by a group of school kids when asked to...
Morning all, Sunny start to the day, few clouds about, no wind. Hopefully it'll stay that way.
Which bit would you like?....................... [img]
What news, Rosa? Have they fixed it yet ?
Thanks, everyone. Mrs Doogle has put her foot down, 13 weeks will not be up until the midde of June, so I'm not allowed to touch anything yet....
Ah, ....... I've been waiting for an excuse to take a look .... thanks for that :thumb:
Strange ? My main crop is beginning to flower but there's no sign of any buds on the earlies. Earlies are Pentland Javelin, lates are Cara and...
Morning all, Dull, cloudy, no rain at the moment, light breeze. Forecast is rain until 4:00pm, max temp 16 degrees.
Re the Tomatoes, sounds like Blossom End Rot, caused by a lack of Calcium resulting from irregular or poor supply of water. If you get into a...
You still have to understand them though :D
Saw this and thought I'd just had to share with you..... [img]
Clueless is absolutely correct. As a rule of thumb, if a site tells you to disable anti-virus before downloading anything, then don't do it....
Which 'bit' couldn't you do?
Like Onions, Not Garlic HAIR
Morning all, Dull, cloudy no wind or rain (yet) here. According to the forecast we're due for heavy rain. EDIT @ 05:25 - Just started to rain !
Piles Of Utter Rubbish HYMN
Morning all, here it's overcast and quite chilly, bit of a breeze and some rain in the air
Separate names with a comma.