Yup, you're right and it has been demonstrated again, today, with Mr Brown's re-shuffle and the appointment of Peter Hain to Welsh Secretary....
In my days (60s) French was compulsory up to 'O' level standard. I was ungraded in the exam, I could never get my head around inanimate objects...
I did hear an interesting suggestion, that it should be a Civic Duty, in much the same way that Jury Service is. ie every 5 years, 650 odd...
Thanks, John. The plan is to operate a 4 year rotation system and Mrs Doogle has updated our planning spreadsheet with some notes about this problem.
Same here but without the breeze. Forecast is for light rain from ten until one, then sunny intervals.
Well, there were 3 plants suffering in the Earlies bed, spread quite far apart from each other which leads me to believe that the originals were...
If only the experts/commentators/media/politicans could be as succint as Peter in explaining the facts as they are known, to the General Public,...
Had a quick look at an on-line Handbook .On Page 1.37 it says that the wavey line indcates an Electrical or Electronic fault (nice and specific!)...
Thanks for the responses. I'll post some photos tonight, but having Googled around, it looks like Blackleg. Both beds were newly dug out this...
Apparently she's a Norwegian Forest Cat. Loves to climb and is a fantastic mouser. Long fur means plenty of hours combing and brushing, which she...
On a couple or three of our Spuds, the stalks are going black and the plant is wilting away. Two on the early crop and one on the main crop, in...
A couple of ours (+ my Son) This is Millie, obviously not very comfortable...... [img] Now I understand where 'copycat' came from..... Otis...
Our Broad Beans are covered in flowers but there seems to be a lack of Bees around to pollinate them. I've only seen a couple of Bees in the last...
Others will be bored of hearing this, but we started in March this year using some land at our local (country) Pub which had been laying fallow...
Soft top with Air Conditioning, now that is posh :D .:gnthb: I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't change the Engine Management System as well...
Not such a good start as the last few days, mild, some cloud no wind.
That's close enough [img]
Alex: Not wishing to state the obvious, but it's worth making sure your anti-tetanus is up-to-date :D
Hi from another Essex newbie, Sandi. Good luck etc
Rosa: Whatever browser you choose to use (and there's plenty to choose from) you can set the Homepage to whatever you like. I stick with...
Separate names with a comma.