Just an update to this - last week I'd contacted the olive tree company who I bought the tree off and they have only just got back to me today...
Thanks Cuttings for your response. Online research did suggest that is what it could be but thought I would see if anyone here knew for sure.
Love my young olive tree ...especially as it bounced back in 2018 after losing almost every leaf following a woolly aphid attack and the ensuing...
Thanks Verdun ... [another late reply .. soz - not getting here much these days .. life getting in the way ... lol]. I didn't really understand...
Thanks V and apologies for late response. I don't feed them actually and the main clump is in a pot of its own. I am a container yardener mainly...
I wish salvia liked me. I like them.
Well nobody was able to respond/give me any advice so I ended up cutting them all back to ground level and covered them with fresh compost. They...
Dirty birdies!
Brilliant - thanks Clare & Lori for taking time to respond and for your suggestions. Really appreciate it. I'm getting onto it right now :blue...
Oh wow ... have just read through all of this and I really hope he turns up and you manage to get it sorted. It really sounds like a total...
Hellooo thereI have a small, small 'yarden'. I totally need to hear a soothing trickle of water in it and am going to create a very small...
Hi everyoneMy Campanula Persicifolia was becoming too large for it's container so I divided it into four clumps earlier this year and planted...
Just a little update. They HAVEN'T grown taller and bigger, as I've pinched 'em out to within an inch of their lives and they are well within my...
I feel your pain. My young olive tree was covered in the bu**ers a couple of years ago. I didn't know enough about them to keep them at bay....
They look beautiful ... isn't nature amazing?
Yes ... it is MUCH more than coloured water. I couldn't believe the recent prices either! Bought a spare 5L tin from Travis Perkins the other...
Markymark - good choice I'd say. I'm a bit late as you've already decided but was going to suggest a green too :) I bet it looks fab! look...
Nothing. Doing absolutely nothing in the garden today. Rain. More rain. Bet those greenfly and slugs are having a field day while I'm indoors.
Oh that's great Nessa. Pleased you found something you're happy with. Which is after all the main objective! Good for you :hapflowers2:
Hi Nessa ... not sure whether you managed to sort out your pot or not yet? I've just joined and came across your post whilst having a wander...
Separate names with a comma.