My Thames Water supply is metered so a precious commodity! I do have a water butt and also a couple of watering cans beside the kitchen door,...
A first-ever flower has opened on the Passiflora 'White Lightning' I planted last year! Big relief as, although it had been developing lots of...
A supplier that I can recommend is Mail Order Trees - I have a crab apple, a rowan and a sambucus from them, all nice trees. Their website is also...
OK as promised three more of my salvias - this one is 'Royal Bumble', with some catananches in the foreground:[ATTACH]Amistad:[ATTACH]...
Thank you @Upsydaisy! I acquired Nostalgia after I fell in love with it myself, seeing it growing in Queen Mary's Rose Garden in Regent's Park a...
A foxglove growing up through my young rowan 'Autumn Spire': [ATTACH] Salvia 'Blue Note' - it's been a really good year so far for my salvias,...
Did you look at evengreener's decorative range? Some are a bit cheaper - £115-£120 - but yes, anything fancy always seems to command a...
Give it a week or so and see what happens. If you only introduced the fish at the weekend they will still be settling in, hence the mad...
If you'd settle for a red variety, I can recommend 'Fragola', the strawberry grape. I planted one out of doors here in London and last year it...
I have one of those here, originally a cutting from a neighbour. Tough as old boots and in full flower right now. It's not a money plant (I have...
I'm no great DIY expert but managed to fit mine onto the plastic down drainpipe OK using a hacksaw. I think there are only two standard sizes of...
Good advice from @ricky101 above, and I'd add that I was able to dispose of a rigid liner with a leak via my local freecycle group last month. I...
Fuchsia gall mites have become a real problem here in London too @NigelJ; sad as I really love hardy fuchsias which always all used to do well...
Spring in the Park: [ATTACH]
Perhaps a variegated holly, which you could keep clipped back? I had one of those in a similar position here, very attractive until it succumbed...
Night reflections:[ATTACH]
The Thames by night, II:[ATTACH]
The Thames by night, I: [ATTACH]
NigelJ's solution sounds good to me, you really would need to break up the concrete first if you wanted to embark on a lawn or other kinds of...
Just to add in another option - you could use some of it to make dead hedging, which makes a great habitat for many different kinds of wildlife....
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