Those rolls of wooden edging are never much use - something a bit stronger beefier is needed there long-term, especially given the slope.Would...
I think keeping it of a size where you can transport it inside for the winter is a sound idea, as is the sack truck. That's the traditional way of...
A big flock of them roosts in the park near me and as you say they are fun to watch - I especially like to see them clambering around on the...
Yes, I think you're both right - thank you! Very interesting - I have tried to grown them in the borders here in the past, but they have sulked...
It is blazingly hot and bright out in the garden this morning! I took a photo of a plant needing identification, and then found some more plants...
Could anyone tell me what this plant with the spikes of pink flowers centre front of the photo is, please? It appeared this year in one of the...
Had breakfast in the garden and then took some photos, as the light was so nice then.Foxgloves, grown from seed last year. I have lost the...
There's a utilitarian light fitting on the back wall of the kitchen, useful for forays to the compost bin/ supervising the dog's bedtime loo...
An achillea?
How about chamaerops humilis, the dwarf fan palm, or a cordyline such as Red Star? Both of which I have here in pots - lovely strong...
A pleasure @glengarry23 - it was lucky I had watched that film the other week, so was feeling 'tulip-aware'!
You might like to take a look at a columnar crab apple tree called Laura. I've got one here and it is staying nice and slender and is very pretty...
I think it's 'Albis ?? Royali'. The middle bit maybe Sp. That would make it the name of the tulips depicted - 'White sp[ecies] Royal.' Think...
I can recommend the 'nana' version, having had one of these now for about ten years. It lives along with various other plants in an old...
Yes it was someone on here who recommended Popsicle to me originally - I think @ARMANDII or @shiney.Tiger says :thanks:for the compliments! He's...
I used to have a large, anonymous one in the sunny border here - it did OK but I felt it wasn't really earning its keep - long-lived sprawling...
I am with you on this one, though as I only have a small garden I only grow herbs and a few soft fruits (raspberries, blackberries, grapes, a fig)...
I have done this, usually at my local supermarket, where the plants are lovely when they first come in but aren't well looked after, so...
I have a selection of terracotta pots on the patio, all shapes and sizes, and others have said if you do lose one to frost it is usually a...
My own impression is that they need good drainage, and prefer rather poor soil. Go to the South Downs and you will see wild ones growing in...
Separate names with a comma.