Condensation is the main issue to solve; I'm also wondering whether the tub is opaque or clear plastic? If it's opaque and has tall sides, will...
Is anyone able to put a name to this succulent, please? Any idea too how hardy I should expect it to be?I acquired it as a cutting and would...
The Cockspur Thorn[ATTACH]
I am thrilled to report that I've seen a humming bird hawk moth in my garden three times, over the last couple of weeks - I knew there were some...
Thank you very much everybody! :biggrin:
Looking around the fronts of my own borders here for small non-sprawlers:Geranium Orkney Cherry - dwarf form, bronze leaves and pink flowers...
My sunny border - many of the plants are flopping a bit rather after some very heavy rain here this week, especially the verbena bonariensis!...
Caught in a trap (Elvis Presley, Suspicious Minds)[ATTACH]
Red Admiral in the garden at lunchtime - like @Logan's, my clump of verbena bonariensis was the draw. That is popular with other butterflies too -...
Will you walk into my parlour? (Mary Howitt, The Spider and The Fly) [ATTACH]
Common toadflax I think - often found on waste ground.
On the sack - any kind of clean sack/ big square of loosely-woven water-absorbing natural textile (burlap, hessian, jute) would be okay. You need...
There is a good RHS guide to the procedure here - as a deciduous tree it is more likely to survive if you can wait a month or so, until it is...
Another view of the little area of the park down the road that we surveyed for wildflowers back in early June. This one was taken in mid-August,...
Your query made me think of a recent Guardian gardening article about someone creating a 'rubble garden' in Bristol. Really beautiful, and there...
Interesting, @noisette47 - it did say on the link I gave that the seed-scattering legend was a relatively recent one, and when I checked I found...
I don't have enough space here for eryngiums, but if I did I would find a spot for 'Miss Willmott's Ghost', eryngium giganteum.[ATTACH]I love...
Arum Italicum [ATTACH]
Black, green and everything in between[ATTACH]
Orange On Green[ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.