Rats are the one thing that gives me the heeby jeebies. It all stems from when I was a student and went down to shropshire and stayed in a run...
I wonder if the seed has anything to do with it? I grew Spencer mixed but it is a blend of named varieties, blended in the right proportions. I...
With the lupins you might find it better to get a new packet. If you have several plants they often tend to revert to predominently blue. With...
If you have a rat problem in your compost heap then you have to ask what you are putting in it. Rats will go after meat or cooked food and they...
I am surprised that the sweet peas did not start to flower until they were quite tall - mine started at about 2 feet and have gone on to about 6...
I dont know about compost breaking down over time and getting smaller - it actually disappears! Many commercial composts seem to have organic...
The story is a bit rubbish. If you sell jam then you have the labelling regulations to abide by. But that is not particularly onerous. I am on the...
Just having them as a vegetable, like my mother in law used to do, well they don't taste of anything much. my wife uses them in ratatouie -onion,...
Well lichen is no problem at all. Probably getting the light from the gaps. A symptom of clean air.
I dont think it was the cold that killed off the worms. You say the compost was sticky. I think it had too much greens and that meant there wasn't...
I think it is frost damage. I think the dog/fox would have to have a drink problem to cause that much damage.
In Newcastle I would not put Courgettes out until beginning of June - they cannot stand being frosted. I am further South than you and I aim to...
I would say they have been frosted. Recently I have been going along my early potato rows and covering any leaves or shoots by earthing soil over...
I think looking on the markings of the old petals it might be a spotted one so the flower might be a nice white with red spots. You sow...
They can be a pain to take out. Make sure you have an axe and a pickaxe when you do it. I think laurel is pretty horrid as well. grows fast and...
At the school i used to teach at some of the kids used to throw their sandwiches in the bushes and then stuff themselves on crisps, sweets and...
My chickens have discovered how to eat even the big tough snails, by turning them over and stabbing through the foot. One snail in the run causes...
Pasta and bread will rot down but I would not put them in a compost container that is not rat proof - they are cooked food. Cooked food can go in...
Do you have badgers? A few years ago that was the sort of scrape that badgers made on my lawn when they were digging for earthworms.
They will go for other members of the lily family. Your post has reminded me that i need to check my Fritillaries down the garden. Warm weather...
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