I've got a climbing compassion, A lovely scented, it's on a north east facing wall, we live 1000' up on the side of a mountain and it's doing...
I like them, but not too many, even in a nursery unit. I spose the spiral is about �£1500.00. There's a garden centre not too far from me, that...
It is Euphorbia 'Excaliber' and is hardy, It's a nice looking plant, but beware of the sap, it's a skin irritant. Nice pics too.
Hi mcmac74, Well done you. sounds like you've done some hard graft. Re the soil now, you could do the pre lawn dance, taking small shuffly steps...
good luck on your new venture. I designed a pic of me witha a lawnmower silhouette and we put it on the side of the landy (in sticky back plastic)...
Do tou have water on venus then? If so i'd get some on them poor seeds.
I'd remove it and only put back when a frost is forecast,but looking at your location that is unlikely. water them if the soil is very dry. They...
I think it may not be deep enough. Any moisture that would ordinarily seep away will sit ontop of the tarmac. Therefore there isn't enough...
mmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe, I'm going thru a JOHNNY DEPP phase [img] [img] [img] [img]
Congrats to the winners well done all entrants. look forward to the new comp,
what a lovely grden you have and some lovely colour in it too. Didn't see no warts.
I took a couple of cuttings of my wedding day before we moved, I also put a couple of cuttings of a white climbing rose in the same pot, (ran out...
When i moved i needed around 100 large pots for my plants. but as you say pots were going to be expensive. So i bought buckets. drilled holes in...
I've skimmed over the responses, and i agree, a honeysuckle would be nice, but you could always go for the large leaved ivies, and throw in a...
Depends on the height you want to go for, is the bed an island or side border. What i mean is, do you want high at the back or in the middle?...
1. daydreaming dragon 2. the apprentice 3. twisted firestarter.sorry forgot which artist to which pic. [img]
hello netty, i lived in Newport for a short while. spent a lot of my summers there, visiting barryand tiger bay, but mainly the valleys. I loved...
Believe it or not, I used up 600 ltrs of compost today potting up, and 'm sick of it, may spend first day tomorrow of 3 wks worth of weeding 2...
I've had 2 for years, and they have always been housed inside my old greenhouse or polytunnel that i have now. They are fine, keep the more tender...
[img] [img] :D
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