i can spell ok . i just care not tobut i tell the all i can be cleaver wiv me worrds (youl always be able to read wot i say) [img] [img]
1mm:: dave thats abuse
well boooooger me didnt take long for one of the traps to go offpow and another rat has goneor would some one like me to change my traps...
rats .. oh how i love rats i aint taliking about the pet rat there different im on about the scum that invades one's house chew away at...
thank you for the reply youngdaisydee i feel welcome now [img]
beootifull that picky is almost as good as a scoobie in a lake ya know wot im saying banna ;) man
Dave i feel you underestamate my fav tool . the angle grinderi am a legend with wot i can do with an agle grinder [img] ;)
i know wot kills any plant , tree . etc real fastnot eco frendly . but it does workderv as in deisel fuel;)not that i know this of...
i aint grummpy i hate everyone[img]
im thinking of taking a few buckets of muck from the bottom of the local canal .chuck the stuff on a rased bed and plant tommatoeshas any one...
quick whipe over the edge wiv an angle grinder should sort ya spade out ;)
BIG [img] [img] HELLO to everyoneive been looking at this sit for some time as a visitor, and finaly decided to get stuck in a join....
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