simple but tasty and juicy large open cup mushrooms :cook till sriveled (wrinkerly) they look wrong . but the mushroom taste and juice is unreal...
for touchey smelly plants. Turn one of your plots into a hearb garden . like, mint , lemon balm, roasmary etc. very easy plants to grow. Sun...
just for you i found a moon smiley [img]
brilliant list. and with links aswell brussels should be ok to put in aswell:D
think im winning the battle. since ive found the devil weed and dug it out my plot not one sprig has come up in my plot since. reason im saying...
no prob my friend. Keep us informed on how you get on :thumb:
just an idea : is there a school, scouts, guides, brownies , cubs or somthing simular near you what im saying is aproce a youth group that has... good ole alf
come on Hellen, chopp bloody chopp. get those pickys up :p [img] :):thumb:
Another update. ive been promoted from just an allotment holder to site reprasetative, aka ashford ave sectratary. yup you got it i AM DA BOSS....
thank you MARLEY . now im starting to feel like a real Allotment holder. all the problems are unfolding. sorry if i have been a pregnant fish in the past...
[img] DAISY . i acctualy clicked on OK . i thought i had a pm wile reading this thread doohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
could i ask a mod to please move my/this thread to the allotment section Please
the mares ... well on the packet it say smoking will harm you AND OTHERS AROUND YOU . GET THE MESSAGE Devil weed . THE MASTER is SMOKING dug out a...
somthing i just cannot work out BT owns and runs most of all the phone lines in this wounderful country. plesase shoot if in wrong in saying...
Colin not much to see as yet although we have now covered most of the bottom patch (which we started to dig) with some wonderful weed membrane...
just a quick picky to show what im picking out of the mud that im taking out. as described in above post [img] the root at the bottom is only...
thanks for everyones help i realy appreciate. i hope i can return the favours (any car quiestions please ask away) first off i picked a few out...
Hopfully ive spotted it early enough. As my plott hasnt been used for over ten years I have had a good look around the complete Alloment this...
found somthing on my plott today im realy not happy with [img] if anyone can tell me wot it is before i rip the soil out i would be very...
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