I have a gentiana hybrid "shot silk" which I planted last autumn and has steadily deteriated ever since. At the moment it is in a pot and has a...
Alas it doesn't work with me. Other cats come and go and ours still cr*ps in the borders. I have taken to putting twigs in all the spots I don't...
At least you weren't "bittern" about it [img]I'll get me coat
Thanks Julia The blumes was a little project I did for fun. Alas I couldn't get any mags to take it.
Alas I don't have the name of this place but it is quite close to the crossroads at Calver in the Peak district heading in the direction of...
Every bit of waste land around here is covered with buddleia. No they are not hard to maintain and they do attract a lot of butterflies.
I think I have sorted it. let's see
No I normally just pop things onto my webspace.
If I might hi-jack. I have a Lobelia cardinalis ''Queen Victoria'' and I am trying to propagate some more from seed. They have been in the seed...
Hmm getting the link to the signature but no pic. Any clues to what i am doing wrong?
Hi Daisy raining here now which is good as I fed the lawn yesterday.
Do you know what the pixel dimensions are? So I can resize.
Thanks Kathy
to Sarraceniac I like your Roger Kettle cartoons. What size are the images you up load? Then I could post up my own strips.
Hey this is happening to mine! 2 thirds have died off and the rest just seems to be holding on. It was very healthy up until about 2 months ago...
Hmm that smiley when a bit weird
I actually went to horticultural college many years ago as a day release from work. After training me up my employers issued cutbacks which...
Hi I am new here (obviously) and hail from Staffordshire. Moved into my house about two years ago and I am really enjoying having a garden of my...
Separate names with a comma.