Not a gardening book as such. But one I really like is "The history of the countryside" by Oliver Rackham A facinating unveiling of how our...
The bugs looked like slim brown woodlice and had chewed out the insides of the plant
My favourite sempervivum (Jackpot) has rotted off in all this damp weather (expletive deleted). At first I thought bugs had got it but I think...
fingers crossed
I would say don't ditch a plant till the fat lady sings. I have had plants I thought dead only to have them blossom again. Of course others have...
Kicks in on the 5th November for all for those Stoke bound folk wishing to avoid the overhead artillery and general mayhem. Runs till Saturday A...
I find that the cold and the wind and the dark dampen my enthusiasm somewhat. The nights drawing in limits the time I can get out. Nasturtiums...
I miss read. No the plants went into the council bin
Ours went the same way too. Binned the plants but may try putting the compost on the garden after sterilizing
I have a Canterbury bell and Chrysanthemum both of which have failed to do anything interesting in the flower department this year, even my...
No the bin is still there doing its stuff. Two bins actually one nearly ready for spreading and the other still filling.
Rather annoyingly my tomatoes succumbed to Tomato blight last week. I have binned the plants but was wondering if the compost could be spread on...
wet, wet, wet, wet, wet, wet, wet......................and windy!The lawn is waterlogged and I have had to re-stake several tall plants...
He he like that tweakyThe rhoddies are actually on the afternoon sun side of the garden and growing against the fence. We have plenty of spring...
to Paul I have never been to the Dolomites and quite fancy some VF. It looks fantastic! Me and Mrs A do quite a bit of rock climbing and are...
I want to know what mountains pro was flexing his abs in? And the fingerless mits was that an abseil or via ferrata thing?Anyway on the Ivy...
Welcome to the board and the wonderful world of gardening. If there is one thing I have learned it is that I have my plans but the garden has...
Any advice on what to plant under Rhoddies? I have two and a bridal bush in the same bed, they look marvellous in spring but then a bit dull for...
It should rot down quite a bit. I had a full bin and now it is only half full! I try to work mine on a rota with one rotting down while I fill the...
Ah many time in my capacity as council gardener :-) One memorable instance a woman insisted, in a loud voice, we explain why we were cutting down...
Separate names with a comma.