Hi helen, no got it about six weeks ago, when we had the earth wobly we had extremly bad winds in the week after if you remember that was when my...
Mornin all, got rain here in yorks too hopefully it will cheer up, hi hel i looked at my themo yesterday too was a lovly 20 degrees my it was a...
Thanks paul, hey 02 do you think it looks like the mountain from close encounters ( du du du du du )
Mornin all the sun is just breakin through in yorkshire, gonna get my gardening shoes on now k.x
Mornin all, hi hel, yes you're right my gh is the same as b&q i realised this when i got it cause i had looked at those in b&q and thought the...
hi all , got stacks of plants now earliest plugs that i potted up were about 3 weeks ago should i be feeding now most have grown well already but...
halo, i planted some straws about 4 weeks ago did exacctly what it said on the tin i noticed this morn they are just pokin up out of soil still...
hi TS thanks for advise the ground around it is good to dig , i got lots of tools including an iron bar that i used to dig some hedges out,will...
looks great CW well done, your cat seems to like it can see it looking on in some of the photos,you gave me a few ideas my front garden needs...
thanks youngdaisydee, i think im getting hang of it now will not bore you with any more pics gardening on hold today weather is rubbish in my part...
thankyou shiney and kathy gonna put another one on but bear with me i am only practicing got info off helofadigger on how to make my pics smaller...
heres something i want to butcher, an old tree trunk the council took tree down but never killed it off, so now ia am trying to tidy up my front...
sorry everyone i dont know how to get my pics smaller
Had rain today in yorks but cheering up now, heres a pic i took yesterday it just stopped slashing it down and then sun came out as a result this...
yes i do and thanks, my daughter helped me to post pics for first time she nick named my greenhouse my third child , im still a novice but...
he he thats great you got me gigglin intermiplants will suss it out k.x
well dee this is my new greenhouse only had it up about six weeks thats why its so tidy ,not sure if i should put shading in my last one was glass...
[img]i i appologise now if this pic is as humongus as the last dont think im doin very well
ok you can have a giggle need to work on the size a bit
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