OK, out it all comes then - eventually!
@Plantminded - I think it’s a pretty common one, but I didn’t plant them, so not sure.
The people that lived here before us really loved geraniums (not pelargoniums btw). I quite liked them and let them be, not realising how invasive...
Did pruning and feeding work for you @BB3 ? It did for me
The RHS says it’s pruning group 8, which means it might not even need it. But if you want to, mid-late spring is the time. I think my previous...
I would say slugs or snails, except that I can see some slug pellets in the picture. Have you been putting them down from the start? I put them...
Also, they prefer neutral or alkaline soil. Just checking in case you have acidic soil.
Once it gets large, it will tend to have flowers just at the top. By then the stems will be thick. My granddad’s method was to cut out one thick...
I live in an exposed place and wind is my biggest problem with newly planted outside beans. I use a homemade portable fence of a double layer of...
I sow my peas and beans in modules or pots because otherwise mice would dig them up and eat them. I have known them to climb up and eat sweetcorn...
That’s a thought @Dovefromabove. I’ll keep a close eye on the healthy ash and if it show signs of struggling, I’ll suggest that idea. It would be...
The tree surgeons have started cutting our dead ash trees down - dieback. Two huge ones and a couple of middle-sized ones. I’m unexpectedly...
We’ve got an aubretia that took 2 years to get pretty big. Haven’t got a campanula though.
The bottom picture looks like mint. Not an expert though, so let’s await further input.
@BenCotto, it might also be interesting to give it a week and then put the traps out again. Will the numbers be back to square one?
Thanks @Pete8. If and when we move house, I hope I remember that method if I have a south facing window to spare. Just shows that there’s always...
This is very interesting @Pete8. When you say opposite a south facing window, do you mean right next to it or a few feet away? Annoyingly we have...
You’d think they would arrive in Kent before west central Scotland wouldn’t you?
I’ve been growing tomatoes for 25 years, and have found that they don’t need to be kept above 10°C at all times as is often stated. If that was...
We saw our first swallow a few days ago, and finally saw a few more this morning. This is a bit late for our part of south west Wales. Has this...
Separate names with a comma.