Give it a good water to wash it though and cross your fingers it works.
This is a good book. Mark Wallington has a dream. He is going to change the face of British comedy. Unfortunately for the residents of north...
All you need now is a good tennis racket.
Tips of the leaf is a good sign of over watering Brown and crusty.
Is that a washy from B&Q? It is just come in that day, at �£9.99 not a bad buy. [img]you have a gnome . He is the garden keeper he...
Mr BM your not the olny one thats been hard at work.The old shed had to come down to make room for the new summer house. [img][img][img]...
Plants I hope...... [img]
Look to me that you have a big job on your hands. Keep the pic's coming.
Keep up the the good work BM [img]
Thank you for the kind comments. The garden is made from left overs from peoples gardens, plants that I take out from my customers gardens that...
Here some pic of my garden plus the new plants I picked up at the week end.[img][img][img]New plants.....[img] Red Banana[img]...
I will post some pics once I put next doors fence up. The palm is a Phoenix canariensis (Date palm) [img]Hoping to pick up a black bamboo at...
Bm I've made a start on mine, just laying a new path and give a new home to a palm.Of to the garden show at the weekend hoping [img] to pick...
Your right the back lawn has to go, the 20mm stone will set the garden of really nice. ;)
Vine's are late to bud. One thing you can do is get a knife and peel some of the top bark back and see if its green underneath If its green your ok.
No do the Moss killer then just over a week or so put down the seed and feed.
Here you go bit of info.
Weed and feed first, after 3 to 4 days make sure its had a good water.Next give the lawn a good rake with a springboxs rake or hire a scarifier....
I can seeeeeee it [img] Is the flower ment to look like that. :D
Last year Wyvale was selling them for around �£30.00 not to sure if they are still doing them. [img]
Separate names with a comma.