ArmandiiMy thoughts also. The old system you vote for either the party or the candidate of your choice.With AV if you put a number beside...
Keep your eyes on any Fritillaria as well.Been on holiday for a week and looked around today, still catching the beetle and despatching with a...
I don't think I can blame the cold for my Cucumbers going limp and dying. They are on a heated sand bed with a fan heater also on, but I have lost...
I have a nest box with a camera inside also with sound.At the moment we have a female Blue Tit working like a Woodpecker to clear all the bits...
Lilly BeetleFound 5 on one plant yesterday and 3 on 2 other plants so check out your lillies.Trevor
Idealy you need 2 trees that are both in the same class, that is both flower at the same time. This is so that they will polinate one another....
There are too many rules and regulations comming out of Brussels, ( possibly to keep themselves in work ).I use Armilatox for cleaning and...
Just to add a little extra cucumber cyrstal lemon somtimes known as cyrstal apple.Grew that one in the greenhouse this year almost filled a 8...
I very often cut mine back hard and it grows back with no problems.It is planted in the garden and will grow back up to 2 foot a year.
Yes I agree with K G they grow well on a West facing window sill, mine are standing on gravel that I try to keep damp, but it very often dry's...
Wee is supposed to be one of the best and cheapest compost activators.Gardeners World Radio 4 many many years ago an old gent asked the panel...
I'm not convinced. I think the roots would still go round and round, because if they won't come through the side holes or die off where do the...
I loved his ways of trying to get you not to grow plants he didn't like, he will be sadly missed.
There are a range of Hebe's and Dwarf Conifers that will grow in tubs/pots. Only thing is to make sure that they don't dry out in the summer.
Hi Black Country Fuchsia Society. We meet on the last Tuesday of each month from January to November 7.30pm for a 8.00pm start. Each month we...
Rabbit already with herbs Mmmmmmmm.Seriously not being watered that would lead to the plants dying. The metal bits could be Vermiculite a...
mzLeave it alone and it should grow this year. Your mulching it has saved the frosts getting to the roots,so it's started to shoot from them....
I have two nest boxes up and one seems to get used every year ( blue tits ) the other rearly.The Blackbird likes my carport 3 years successs...
How small a flower do you want. There are a number of Fuchsias with tiny flowers that are hardy, called Encliandra's.To name a few Hawkshead...
If your Hazel sets nuts use them to increase your stock.I have a contorted Hazel that sets nuts, but the tree rat takes them and buries them...
Separate names with a comma.