I would plant them on a nice sunny South facing wall. Anytime as long as no frost is in the soil.Dig a large hole mix in lots of compost, and...
I used to go Salmon fishing on the River Severn on a privte estate. Th wood along the River was full of Snowdrops no choise but to walk over them...
Satsuma[img]Lemon[img]This photo was taken in 2004 15th FebruarySorry about the blue trays use them for mu Fuchsias.Trevor
From a 4 foot row I was cutting for a few weeks, din't bother about spacing just sowd the seed and left them.
Pete The Lemon tree about 3�½ foot tall in a 15 inch pot, can just lift it in and out the greenhouse. The Satsuma is about 1�½ foot tall in a...
Geraniums need a long time from seed.
Not tried them in containers, I tried them for the first time this year. If I get the same results next yera thats all I will grow it'll be good...
Any time between November and end February.
Well folks I'm not giving up.I have washed all the plants down with a very strong soap mix. Found lots of dead Scale insects and a few live...
Happy New Year Everyone
Many years ago I purchased a bulb release that worked like a charm and screwed into the cable release socket. Still works now its about 20foot...
In Paintshop you can change them to a number of different ones.
Is it slugs or Woodpigeons, I don't see many slugs about at the moment, but Woodpigeons they are everywhere.
I also have a Lemon and Orange trees. The orange is only in its second winter but full of fruit.The Lemon is a few years old now its got fruit...
From me also Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
ChengWell done like your home garden.
We still not got a recycle bin, but I do recycle all green waste but not grass cuttings. Lots of compost heaps.
I've had a poor year with lots of veg not performing. I put it down to the seed company I used. Will try another one next year, see what the...
Agree with pro Gard
Separate names with a comma.