Cornwall. A strong blustery very cold wind. Blue sky with large lumpy white clouds with dark grey bottoms. Sunny between the clouds.
I moved the buckets of kitchen waste down to the veg. patch ready to go in the runner bean pit. Did a bit more path stripping, sorted out and...
Yes, apparently Ziggy died very quickly. She was a very sweet natured dog, a great big lump of "flumpy" dog, she will be sorely missed. Her Dad...
Thanks for your thoughts everyone. Apparently my son in law used chopped bracken on a path in their garden but it apparently turned into a muddy...
Hi everyone, Has anyone tried using green bracken as a mulch around acid loving plants? My garden is being invaded by bracken and I have some...
Finally sowed some parsnip seed, Swede, beetroot, fennel and perpetual spinach. I also made a start on cutting down the forest of field grass...
Cornwall. Still a cold wind. Hot sun. Big piles of black bottomed clouds. The occasional sprinkle of rain. Really weird weather. Difficult to know...
Well done both of you. Welcome to the world of gardening. Hopefully it will continue to give you a great deal of self satisfaction and pride, as...
Cornwall. Yesterday there was a light shower later in the day, remained rather a cold wind and blustery all day. Today it is broken cloud, no wind...
Very exasperated with myself. Took dog for his walk then took him to the groomer for a bath and haircut. I drove across town to The Range in Par...
Cornwall. Grey, overcast, blustery, chilly, spitting with rain.
Took the dog for a walk before bottling a gallon of Elderflower Champagne. I have to wait 2 months before a taste test. Went to the ear clinic for...
When I sold my last house the buyers told me and the estate agent the garden sold the place to them, so many unusual plants etc. When I went back...
I found my newest artichoke plant chewed to a stump by slugs. I hadn't even got it into a pot! I have now potted it up and hopefully it will...
Cornwall. The wind picked up soon after me posting yesterday and blew all day. It was really hot again all day.This morning is a repeat...
What a lot of activity going on amongst you all! I had a non day, it was too hot and windy.Found one of my remaining two "mouse melon"...
Separate names with a comma.