Just had my fuchsia delivery turn up.David Hawkshead Flash Mrs WP. Wood Mag. Aurea Happy[ATTACH]
Beautiful hostas. Mine get ravaged by slugs and snails no matter what I do.
Post up pics.
Zephirine Drouhin[ATTACH]
My birds wouldn't touch nyger seeds for some reason.The other thing I have is hanging feeders I bought from Lidl. They really help with seed...
I had problems with the bird seed self seeding everywhere. I swapped to Sunflower hearts and Mealworms. The birds love mealworms.
Did quite a bit on my border edging. Still not finished though as due to the slope on the garden I'm left with a big gap at the end that I'm going...
Golden Oregano
Margaret Merril[ATTACH]
Been to the tip and unloaded a mass of green waste.Going to carry on with some edging today although the weather looks a bit dark in Bristol.
Rhododendron Molten Gold[ATTACH]Rose Schoolgirl[ATTACH]
Had to rethink @Gail_68. Couldn't dig up the Riccartonii.Here are the options ATM. Fuchsia Margaret. Acer Beni Maiko in a pot. (nice red...
Got very little ground space left. Lots of plants in pots and propagating/buying more. It's an addiction.......but a good one.
I really need to stop buying plants. :spinning: Three on the left from Poundland. Two Dianthus from Wilko £2 each.[ATTACH]
Sorry just saw your question.It's a pole cutter, strimmer, chainsaw and brushcutter. The engine straps to my back and the extension pole is...
I carried on snipping after I took the picture and I think those two pieces you mention are gone.I've ordered a Fuchsia Magellenica Alba and...
Bought this today at Homebase Clearance Just £1.75.21cm high and 20cm hole width.[ATTACH]
Shaped My Ilex Golden King. Got some room now to plant something else next to it. I'm thinking a Hardy Fuchsia or possible a Dryopteris atrata...
I would say about 2 foot high.
I've got a Sambucus Nigra too.It was only small when I put it in about 5 years ago. Not so small now though. Definitely loves sandy soil.[ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.