Hello Johnhope you're not too windswept although it's picking up here in Bucks at the mo!:sign0016: to GC
Good long one (thread I mean :WINK1:):sign0016: young un and yea I really am 41 though feel 14 at times!Lovin the "Flower of Scotland" happy...
Lovin this thread as I love Hostas too. I bought my first one at Shiney's open day this year and did as the Good lady Shiney advised and so far so...
Was wondering myself "Where's Woo" these days. Really hope you're on the mend lovi and I too miss your wonderful pics and posts. Take care and...
Great thread Dai,I am the novice of novices and mighty confused as to what, where, how and when (see some of my threads lol) I was so...
lol @ Shiney, No I was answering the post from my phone and still not mastered the art yet.
Hi Simon welcome to GC sounds like u have done Grandad proud.
Hi April warm welcomes to GC :thumbsup:
Cheers Gents, shall I just keep the feeding to once a week?
Hello TabithaA very warm :sign0016: to you, glad you decided to come in and say hi. Don't worry bout crashing we have great Mods and GCer's on...
Toms are a bit shabby as told by a neighbour :shocked: (likes to say it as she sees it kinda woman :stirpot: ) Did explain this was my first ever...
Hi Jamie,A big :sign0016: to GC, don't think you'll save much not going to the pub on weekends as what you don't spend there oh boy wait till...
Hello Beau and a big :sign0016: to GC
Been busy Ziggy even the plants have not been tended to but hoping am back on track, Just need a little help from my friends (i know a song about...
Oh Ziggy I am impressed so this is your new job?
Hello all you Hotties :heehee:We've had a good old down pour in the land of Milk and Beans but it's getting hotter again. I'm at melting point...
Hi Penny, Wow the decking is great and am really envious of your toms too don't think mine will ever appear:scratch: Can I borrow your green...
Melinda I love that how do you do it? :thumbsup:
I've got em all the blighters lol
Hello Rosalyn & Euphraise, Warm welcomes to GC for both of you, glad to have you onboard :happydance:
Separate names with a comma.