Damn shame there Ziggy, tis somethin I worry about when buying online but did read it on Martin's site (MSE.com) to use credit card for payment as...
Not sure yet Ziggy just called him that as felt would be wrong if I said Mr GCQ :heehee:
good prices there Lad, my local garden center Frosts are normally charging £9.99 for 5 ltrs but have it on half price for this month wasn't sure...
Hello LW great to have you on the plot :D Hope you enjoy GC it's a great place to be!I'm a poet and didn't know it eh :WINK1:
Well Armandii if reading one of Geoff's books gets you like that I'll have some too:heehee: Thanks though and I remember seeing him on the TV...
Thanks F'sMum and AF. I didn't know what to look for in a plant at the garden center just went on what I felt looked healthy green with new...
Wow thank you all for your posts/advice i really do appreciate it and also listen. My compost was a cheap multi purpose as funds were tight and...
Hello F'smum, That is great advice and really appreciated, I haven't got any largish pots/troughs as wanted to get some advice b4 spending all...
Ahh The Ziggmyster I:love30:to your humour it cracks me up! I really am growing this mint for my 2 boys and had/have no idea about using it for...
Hi Caz, Good to have you with us at GC, I'm new to gardening too and you'll will find GC very friendly and have help from across the board...
Picked up a rather good little book for us New to the garden scene peeps " First time veg grower" A gardeners world/ BBC book £3.50Any advice...
Hello Moopants, I have also started tomatoes from seeds and have had advice so have a look at "Started so i'll have to finish" in Propagation this...
Thanks Ziggy I'll take your word for it on the Euphorbia ( can get cream for it i'm sure :heehee:)OK i'm on week 6 now and hangin in there....
4 Plants eh, now you're just showing off E-S lol and wished I did live in Surrey, would be popping in for tea! I live in Bucks for my sins!...
Hello GC ers :)Was at local garden center over weekend with some half price offers on and purchased a pack of gourmet salad leaves and hey I...
Hello Nightingale,Thanks so much for this thread, I too am a novice and no nothing about anything in the garden and have myself gone out and...
Hi Kristen, I also have a few plants of which I can bring down a couple for you on the open day at Shiney's. I don't know what flavour they are as...
I think you meant the Jersey Boys Melinda and yes they were orange lol Mr GCK took me to see them for my birthday last year. No you did mean...
I'll second that Kandy and thank you. The architecture is so breathtaking truly a fabulous building :thumbsup:
chrysanthemums are the worst for me!
Separate names with a comma.