Thanks for the good advice pro gard and terrier i shall see my son tomorrow and tell him what you said.
I would like some advice as i am currently designing my son and partners garden. I transplanted some plants from our garden and some of them...
I can't find my old photo's that i posted, i think they were in 07, now i need help in posting photo's again as i can't remember how i did them...
Hi everyone. Well I'm back on gardeners corner at last! After it was changed I couldn't figure out how to get back on and i did miss you all....
I got my black netting from wilko's it doesn't show up so much WG
Borrowers, We have a mirror carb 2 common carbs a leather carp and a gold fish the carbs are quite big so we think that's why the heron couldn't...
Oh don't chop all your logs up mark, they could make a nice feature. Maybe one lying down with flowers around it. WG
I don't know why you want to disguise your shed dee it all looks lovely, but if you want to change it you could always paint it another colour,...
Hi muddy your garden is looking a lot better now your boarder is bigger, To give it some height you could have some larger plants at the back then...
I would love to if i knew how to youngdaisydee WG
thank you thank you thank you glenW. I went on the internet site to see the wall art that you said was in B&Q and today i rang our local store up...
If some of you have read my catch a thief when my artifical heron was taken,i thought you might like to know that i spotted a manky real life...
Wow i can't believe that's the same garden bobj. it's wonderful you are very creative, you must have worked very hard. Well done. WG
Hi fellow gardeners, just thought i would let you know how great i think you all are, i loved your replies regarding catch a thief, and some of...
Thanks for trying glenw it was kind of you. WG
I just thought you would like to read a funny story although it wasn't funny at the time. I was in our kitchen putting the dirty pots in the...
Thanks for the ideas folks may try the log roll. WG
ideas welcome please. we have a small wall in the back garden which is of those concrete blocks with holes in them, just one block high if you...
Well we have the pond back in again. my husband made a kind of wooden support for the side that wanted filling in but it took that long to do...
that's alright glenw, i get bogged down with things too. WD
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