Lovely sunny and warm here,have pottered in the garden:dbgrtmb:
Good luck for the future,and hope it all works out well for you both:thumbsup:
Diana61,when you move to England,come south where the weather is warmer,and garden centres do much better!
Wet and miserable here in West Sussex :-(
Not according to the forecast ARMANDII,seems like it will be another cold week :-((
Yes Lyn,much too cold for gardening,wish it would get warmer as there is so much to do out there.
Another awful day,damp and cold!
Wet and windy here in West Sussex,but quite mild.
Hi,some of my Geraniums that I have kept over winter are dying, I have given them a little water at times,they are in a cold double glazed...
Thank you all for your advice,as I live in the south,think I will cut it down as it looks rather untidy.
Thank you very much Doghouse Riley,very kind of you
Please can anybody tell me if I have to cut back my Helenium?
Thank you Scotkat,I have plenty of space to store them,so will follow your advice.
I have been told to bring Geraniums in now for the winter,do I need to cut them back,or just leave them as they are,they are in pots.
Thank you so much,Pam,Aaron and Peter,I did actually buy a Helenium,so was pleased to see it on your list Peter,a very informative list too!
I need some colourful perennials to flower all summer,any suggestions please,they will be in full sun:help:
You should move down South Dicker,it is lovely here,warm and sunny !
Thank you all for your help,yes plant1star,I have scratched the bark,and it is brown,so I have lost it sadly,but I will eventually get a new...
I live in sunny Sussex,and my Ceonothis has been wonderful for 10 years, but obviously this winter has killed it :-(
My lovely Ceonothis has died,so has my son's,are they prone to a disease?
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